Web Apps Showcase

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This Webpage is made with React - Typescript - NextJS

First it was a HTML/CSS page that I later adapted into React so I could add new functionalities
This is the Webpage of a Nutritionist group, where they show their credentials, and their services

The clients have the ability to change the main content of the page whenever they like since I created a integration with Google Sheets, so most of the content is served from different Sheets owned by the clients

Im currently working on creating a shopping cart experience to integrate online payments

Check the webpage on: https://gastrinut.cl
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Podcaster - Web App

This Web App is made with React - Typescript - NextJS

This is a simple React / Typescript SPA that shows the latest popular podcasts in iTunes. The app uses the iTunes RSS API to fetch the data.

Check the github repo: https://github.com/ianchez/podcasts-app
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Mario-like Game using Javascript

This game is made with Javascript and the canvas library p5.js

You can move with the arrow keys and jump with the spacebar
The idea was to create a simple game that could be played on the browser
Avoid the cracks on the ground, and try to reach the end of the level (flagpole) using the floating platforms
Turn your sound on (it includes sound effects too!)
Try it out!

Check the github repo: https://github.com/ianchez/game-js
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This SPA (Single Page Application) is made with React - Javascript on the FrontEnd

The idea simulate the fetching from a movie database API, and filter the results by genre
You can also change the order on which the list will show, the default its by Year Ascending, give it a try!

Check the repository: https://github.com/Ianchez/mediastream-challenge-react
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This SPA (Single Page Application) is made with React - Javascript on the FrontEnd

The idea its to manage a shopping cart experience, allowing to add as many items as you want
The challenge was to handle the different states of the items added to the cart
The total would get calculated, applying the discount rules, give it a try!

Check the repository: https://github.com/Ianchez/mediastream-challenge-react